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Our Process

We are an impact-driven organization. We work very hard to make sure State-of-the-art AI research is applied in the real world to drive impact.


Leveraging State-of-the-art technologies like Data Analytics, Big Data, Machine Learning and IoT, we research into how these technologies can have a direct or indirect impact on the average person. Our work has direct impact because we are part of the people. Having real experiences as farmers, it's easier for us to connect with the locals and their problems.


Our diverse and inclusive team of experienced and talented software developers, Data Scientists, Researchers and Field Operators, work collaboratively to build solutions based on intensive research done by our team. These problems are built with the farmers at the center and impact tops it all.

Test and Launch

We understand working with complicated AI Algorithms and Data can be tricky. Our development process involves real world data collection, pre-processing, processing, careful and accurate data labelling. We use techniques such as Data Augmentation to enhance performance. Our close monitoring, beta testing and fast iteration culture, allows us to generate more real-world data and improve the accuracy and performance of our models.

Learn more about
Okuafo AI