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Our Partners

Our partners have worked with us to deliver ever more innovative, effective and successful projects and programmes and their support has been vital in achieving our Mission and Vision

The Zayed Sustainability Prize

The Zayed Sustainability Prize

The Zayed Sustainability Prize, an evolution of the Zayed Future Energy Prize, is the UAE’s pioneering global award in sustainability and a tribute to the legacy of the late founding father of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan.

Established in 2008, this annual award recognises and rewards the achievements of those who are driving impactful, innovative and inspiring sustainability solutions across five distinct categories: Health, Food, Energy, Water and Global High Schools.

Interested in Partnering with us?

Partner with us to extend our products and services to farmers who need them the most.

If you have a partnership proposal for us, let’s hear it! Talk to us. partnerships@okuafo.ai